Max ping console command
Max ping console command

max ping console command


A heartbeat is subject to serverSelectionTimeoutMS, so the MongoDB driver will retry failed heartbeats for up to 30 seconds by default. «Number» If useUnifiedTopology = true, the MongoDB driver sends a heartbeat every heartbeatFrequencyMS to check on the status of the connection. If not set, the MongoDB driver defaults to using 30000 (30 seconds). «Number» If useUnifiedTopology = true, the MongoDB driver will try to find a server to send any given operation to, and keep retrying for serverSelectionTimeoutMS milliseconds before erroring out. «Number» The minimum number of sockets the MongoDB driver will keep open for this connection. Keep in mind that MongoDB only allows one operation per socket at a time, so you may want to increase this if you find you have a few slow queries that are blocking faster queries from proceeding.

max ping console command

«Number» The maximum number of sockets the MongoDB driver will keep open for this connection. «String» password for authentication, equivalent to. «String» username for authentication, equivalent to. If not provided, use database name from connection string. «String» The name of the database we want to use.

max ping console command

If bufferCommands is true, Mongoose will throw an error after bufferTimeoutMS if the operation is still buffered. Set to false to disable buffering on all models associated with this connection. «Object» passed down to the MongoDB driver's connect() function, except for 4 mongoose-specific options explained below.

Max ping console command